I have very little time for blogging this morning but I took a lot of photos yesterday and I want to share a few of them here.
Crossing one of the bridges. I like this photo. Not bad for a camera phone in a moving vehicle.
Libros - Eusebio Ruvalcaba
Te prometo una cosa: llenar
tu casa de libros.
Que no se pueda caminar,
que la gente que invites diga qué
está pasando,
¿qué ya no existen para ti
1 week ago
That's some camera you have there. How many megapix? I love the lighting in the two restaurant photos. I mean...I can picture myself sitting in there listening to the one I love just talk...and watch this person eat...and then talk some more...and before you know it two hours have passed and you realize that you have nowhere to go...